8th May 2024
3 min read

ARK Connect Updates - Latest Transactions

A new version of ARK Connect has been released, v1.8.0, bringing additional functionality to the extension and setting the stage for further enhancements in future updates. The highlight of this release is the inclusion of ‘Latest Transactions’ on the extension’s dashboard.

The dashboard of ARK Connect now provides more comprehensive information. On the dashboard, users can directly view their most recent incoming and outgoing transactions associated with the currently selected primary address. Hovering over transaction details reveals additional information; for instance, hovering over an address displays the full address, hovering over the time shows the complete timestamp, and hovering over larger amounts reveals the full transaction amount, among other details.

To get this latest release, update or install by visiting the Chrome App Store or the Firefox Add-Ons ARK Connect page.

On the dashboard, users can now conveniently view their 10 most recent transactions. For those with more extensive transaction histories, a ‘View More on ARK Scan’ button is available at the end of the list. Clicking on this button seamlessly directs users to their address on the explorer, granting them access to their entire transaction record for further review and analysis.

Moreover, users can click on any transaction displayed on the dashboard to access its detailed page. Here they can delve into full information specific to the transaction type. This includes details such as sender and receiver addresses, transaction amount, fee, timestamp, transaction ID, voting specifics, and more, providing users with a thorough breakdown of each transaction.

The Demo App previously featured on the dashboard page has been relocated within the extension. Users can still access the demo app, which integrates with ARK Connect, by following these steps:

  1. Open the three-dot menu located in the upper right corner of the extension.
  2. Click on ‘About ARK Connect’
  3. At the beginning of the page you will find a link to the ‘Demo App.’

For a full overview of all changes, please refer to ARK Connect’s release changelog on GitHub .

What’s Next?

Moving forward, our focus for ARK Connect includes integrating ‘Send’ and ‘Receive’ features directly into the extension. This enhancement will enable users to seamlessly send or receive funds without needing to interact with external web applications.

Additionally, we invite our community to contribute their ideas for ARK Connect. Whether it’s suggestions for improving existing features or proposing new functionalities, we welcome all constructive input. We are committed to evaluating and potentially integrating sensible suggestions that will contribute to making ARK Connect even more efficient and user-friendly.

How Can I Help?

We encourage you to update or install ARK Connect by visiting the Chrome App Store or Firefox Add-Ons and thoroughly test all functionalities, particularly those related to the latest transactions addition.

Should you encounter any issues during testing, please report them by opening an issue on GitHub .

We extend our gratitude to all who continue to provide valuable feedback and report any encountered issues while using ARK Connect.

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