18th Aug 2023
5 min read

ARK Development Report - August 18, 2023

Welcome to our latest weekly development report, where we spotlight the valiant efforts of our development team. During the past week, our focus was primarily on Dashbrd testing and addressing identified issues. Additionally, noteworthy progress was achieved in the ongoing work on consensus changes by the Mainsail team. Now, let’s dig a bit deeper into the work that’s been tackled this week.

Development Summary

Below is a breakdown of total commits and authors by project for development activity over the last week from the August 11th through August 18th, 2023.

Project Commits Authors
Mainsail 15 2
ARK Scan 0 0
ARK Vault 0 0
Dashbrd 155 6

Overall, the team has demonstrated consistent productivity and engagement over this period, with a total of 170 commits across all projects.

The number of commits and data for each project will fluctuate on a weekly basis depending on internal sprints, objectives and difficulty.

ARK Scan Weekly Progress

This past week, the entire team was dedicated to advancing the Dashbrd project, which means no significant changes were made to ARK Scan. Since most of the biggest items are now sorted on the Dashbrd, we are determined to maintain our schedule by completing the remaining tasks for the ‘Delegates’ page next week.

Dashbrd Weekly Progress

This week, a significant portion of our team dedicated their efforts to testing Dashbrd. As a result, several issues were uncovered that require resolution and data optimization prior to the upcoming release. These matters are set to take precedence in the week ahead. Furthermore, we have successfully finished other major tasks, and the development of the Dashbrd landing page has been finalized.

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the work accomplished this week:

Dashbrd General Items

  • The design of the navbar and user menu has been improved to enhance the user experience. The navbar now provides easy access to key features, and within the user menu, quick access buttons have been added for ‘Send and Receive,’ ‘My Galleries,’ and ‘My Collections.’ These buttons display precise numbers of galleries created by the user and the number of collections they own NFT in.
  • Implemented a maintenance mode feature for the landing page and application.
  • Incorporated a Cookie modal and policy, along with a Privacy Policy and Terms of Service pages.
  • Resolved Markdown formatting issues present in certain sections.
  • Optimized the metadata component for better SEO performance.

Dashbrd Wallet Items

  • Corrected inaccuracies in the market cap and volume data within the wallet table. These figures were inconsistent when compared with the details slider. Additionally, the market cap and volume did not align with the user’s chosen currency. These issues have been resolved.
  • Resolved the issue of a non-functional Send button in the mobile view, ensuring its now working properly.
  • Resolved issue with incorrect negative percentages.

Dashbrd Collections & Gallery Items

  • Identified and resolved a scenario that would cause a white screen on the collection overview.
  • General improvements have been made to the handling of user NFTs in the collection overview.
  • Implemented a restriction on storing collection traits exceeding a specific character limit, to avoid showing very large values (e.g. the full Bitcoin whitepaper as a trait).
  • Ensured proper display of the NFT Count overlay.

During the upcoming week, our attention will be directed towards resolving the reported issues that were identified through internal testing, with a primary focus on addressing concerns related to the ‘Collections’ feature.

Mainsail Weekly Progress

During this week, there were notable advancements in Mainsail’s consensus domain, along with enhancements in the transaction pool and block verification areas. Here are the specific developments:

  • Transaction pool replay was modified to use the transaction index instead of the transaction ID. This adjustment eliminates the need to deserialize the buffer in certain cases.
  • Block verification has been improved. The node verifies the aggregated signature on the committed block and confirms that sufficient validators have signed the precommit message for that block.
  • Consensus now reevaluates all rounds during the bootstrap phase, not exclusively the final one. A block is considered committed when over two-thirds of valid precommits and a valid proposal are received for any given round.
  • Verification of lock proposals has been shifted to the proposal processor. The processor aims to promptly address invalid messages in the initial stages to prevent malicious peers, thereby banning them upon detection of invalid messages.
  • The methods isMajority and isMinority have been extracted as standalone functions, as they are utilized across multiple locations.
  • A new environment variable, CORE_P2P_PEER_BAN_TIME, has been introduced to establish the duration of peer bans. Peer banning is deactivated by default.

Moving into the upcoming week, our focus will shift toward researching potential database and public API implementations. This effort aims to enhance data readiness. Concurrently, we will assess the test network that has been established, addressing any issues uncovered during the testing phase.

Feedback & Feature Requests

If you are using our open-source products and would like to provide feedback or request a feature, please feel free to contact us via the contact pages for the specific product you are using or open an issue on GitHub.

Quick access links to GitHub issues pages:

What’s Next

As we look forward to the coming week, our main aim is to stay on track with thoroughly testing Dashbrd and tackling any bugs that popped up this week and the next. Additionally, we will continue on the ongoing work for ARK Scan, with the goal of wrapping up the ‘Delegates’ page redesign.

Follow us on X and keep checking the blog to stay up-to-date on all of our new releases. We post a weekly development report so you can easily see what we’ve been up to and follow along our journey towards making your decentralized future a reality.


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