30th Aug 2024
4 min read

ARK Development Report - August 30, 2024

Welcome to our latest Weekly Development Report, where we spotlight the valiant efforts of our development team. The ARK Scan team has been addressing the overflow issue on the Mainsail network. The ARK SDKs team is focused on documenting updates for the upcoming new documentation page. Meanwhile, the ARK Vault team has progressed with design changes and improvements. The Mainsail team continues to fix issues in the EVM implementation and is also working on Validators and Voting contracts within EVM.

Development Summary

Below is a breakdown of total commits and authors by project for development activity over the last week from August 23rd through August 30th, 2024.

Project Commits Authors
ARK Connect 0 0
ARK Scan 2 1
ARK SDKs 2 1
ARK Vault 80 3
Mainsail 3 1

Overall, the team has demonstrated consistent productivity and engagement over this period, with a total of 87 commits across all projects.

The number of commits and data for each project will fluctuate every week depending on internal sprints, objectives, and difficulty.

ARK Scan Weekly Report

The ARK Scan team has been actively fine-tuning the handling of missed blocks for the Validator Monitor for the Mainsail network. We’ve been testing and iterating on issues that were found.

Additionally, we’ve begun implementing support for 18 decimal points to ensure proper display within Mainsail’s EVM.

Next week, we’ll continue our work on integrating Mainsail’s EVM and addressing any issues that arise.

ARK SDKs Weekly Report

This week, significant progress was made on documenting the Python and Java client and crypto packages, which will be featured on our upcoming documentation page. Most of the necessary updates and additions for the PHP, Python, and Java packages have been implemented.

Next week, we aim to finalize the documentation for these updated packages and begin work on the Go language packages.

ARK Vault Weekly Report

We’ve continued working on UI improvements across the app. This week’s completed tasks include:

  • Modified the general overview header of the address page:
    • Refactored WalletHeader and WalletHeaderMobile components to align with the new design.
    • Introduced a new CopyAddress reusable component with updated animation for the copy icon.
  • Refactored the mobile navbar to prevent layout breaks.
  • Adjusted paddings for the navbar and resized the avatar component used in the logo.
  • Aligned the contacts modal and contacts list with the new design changes.
  • Restored full test coverage in the exchange domain.
  • Refactored the exchange page navbar and updated the grid so that exchange providers could match the new designs.
  • Refactored the button component, replacing the emotion library with Tailwind classes.
  • Refactored the exchange overview table view and its child components to align with the new designs.
  • Installed twMerge to handle custom class name overwrites.
  • Completely refactored TableCell.ts, resolving the issue with custom class names being overwritten by styled component styles.
  • Added new reusable MobileCard and MobileSection components for the exchanges page.
  • Implemented new reusable MobileCard and MobileSection components for rows on the Ledger pages for scan and import.

Next week, we’ll continue with the design changes and begin wrapping up some of the larger tasks in this phase.

Mainsail Weekly Report

This week, we made progress on the EVM integration for Mainsail, including:

  • Fixing api-http package errors caused by the Evm-call transaction type.
  • Updating better-sqlite3 to support MacOS.

For the Mainsail EVM network, focusing on the Validator and Voting contracts, we accomplished the following:

  • Improved the Consensus contract.
  • Implemented a linked list to calculate the top validators.
  • Added logic for validator resignation.
  • Added vote & unvote events.
  • Updated rewards and votes on every commit.
  • Synchronized account state changes to PostgreSQL.

Next week our aim is to finalize the Validator and Voting contracts and do more thorough testing of the viability of moving those transaction types inside EVM.

Feedback & Feature Requests

If you are using our open-source products and would like to provide feedback or request a feature, please feel free to contact us via the contact pages for the specific product you are using or open an issue on GitHub.

Quick access links to GitHub issues pages:

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