14th Jul 2023
5 min read

ARK Development Report - July 14, 2023

Welcome to our weekly development report, where we highlight the progress made by our development team. As we approach the midpoint of July, we would like to share the recent developments. In the past week, we have released a minor update to ARK Scan and ARK Core and made advancements in the development of Dashbrd and Mainsail. Here is a brief overview of our recent work.

Development Summary

Below is a breakdown of total commits and authors by project for development activity over the last week from July 7th through July 14th, 2023.

Project Commits Authors
Mainsail 9 1
ARKScan 28 2
ARKVault 0 0
Dashbrd 99 5

Overall, the team has demonstrated consistent productivity and engagement over this period, with a total of 136 commits across all projects.

The number of commits and data for each project will fluctuate on a weekly basis depending on internal sprints, objectives, and difficulty.

ARK Scan Weekly Progress

We kicked off the week by rolling out a minor update, which introduces added functionality to the export feature. Users can now customize the date range for exporting transactions and validated block data. Several enhancements and fixes related to this feature have also been deployed.

For a comprehensive overview, please refer to the release notes available on GitHub .

Looking ahead, we’ve initiated the next development cycle. Our primary focus is on refreshing the transaction and block detail pages, intending to enhance user experience through a cohesive and user-friendly interface.

Here’s a glimpse of our accomplishments for the revamped transaction and block pages throughout the week:

  • Inclusion of a section displaying the transaction ID with a copy button on the transaction page.
  • Creation of a transaction details subsection that highlights key information about the transaction.
  • Implementation of transaction type subsections for each distinct transaction type.

Dashbrd Weekly Progress

During the past week, our team made progress on the Wallet and Collections components of the app. Additionally, we have focused on thorough testing of the application by involving our internal QA team. They have been actively identifying and reporting any issues they encounter to the development team.

Here are some highlights of recent changes that have been implemented:

Dashbrd Wallet

  • The handling of Ethereum network gas fees was refined, laying the groundwork for Ethereum support.
  • Initiated the development of a transaction details slider that will provide full information about transactions.
  • Included fiat values of transaction amounts in the transaction history.
  • Added a global unique identifier (GUID) for tokens and simplified token prices so they are global across networks.
  • Streamlined the client-side process for fetching recent token transactions.

Dashbrd Collections

  • Fixed an issue where the NFT sale activity sale price column did not display any data.
  • Employed server-side search functionality in the collection NFT slider for improved performance and usability.

In the upcoming week, our primary objectives will be addressing the issues raised by our QA team and continuing work on the remainder of the tasks for the Wallet and Collections pages.

Mainsail Weekly Progress

The development progress of Mainsail remains on track, and the following updates have been made this week:

  • Updated the third-party packages we utilize, which had any known security vulnerabilities, to their latest versions that addressed those vulnerabilities.
  • AJV validation now employs a strict schema, ensuring that additional properties are not removed from the objects undergoing validation. The AdditionalProperties schema option is set to false for cases where restricted properties are encountered on the validated object.
  • P2P functionality now includes a “development mode” specifically designed for local testing and development purposes. In this mode, the server responds to HTTP requests while disabling data validation and code plugins. The CORE_P2P_DEVELOPMENT_MODE_ENABLED flag can be used to enable this mode.
  • P2P Reply schemas have been divided into multiple files, resulting in improved and stricter verification. These schemas have undergone testing.

In the upcoming week, our focus will remain on enhancing the download logic by incorporating support for concurrent downloads and utilizing buffers instead of hex values to reduce message size.

ARK Core Updates

During the course of this week, two updates were deployed for ARK Core. The first update involved updating the third-party library used for protobufjs as it had a security vulnerability in it. Additionally, improvements were made to enhance the query speeds of the transaction API. The second release focused on further enhancements to the API, specifically regarding the optimization of address search queries.

We recommend that individuals operating nodes for the ARK network ensure that their servers are updated to the most recent version available.

For detailed information regarding both versions, please refer to the release logs available on GitHub: v3.8.0 and v3.8.1 .

Feedback & Feature Requests

If you are using our open-source products and would like to provide feedback or request a feature, please feel free to contact us via the contact pages for the specific product you are using or open an issue on GitHub.

Quick access links to GitHub issues pages:

What’s Next?

In the coming week, we’re eager to complete the remaining tasks for ARK Scan’s transaction and block detail page redesign. We’re planning a new release incorporating these changes within the week. To stay updated and be among the first to receive information about the release, follow our Twitter account below.

Follow us on Twitter and keep checking the blog to stay up-to-date on all of our new releases. We post a weekly development report so you can easily see what we’ve been up to and follow along our journey towards making your decentralized future a reality.


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