15th Mar 2024
4 min read

ARK Development Report - March 15, 2024

Welcome to our latest Weekly Development Report, where we spotlight the valiant efforts of our development team. This week, our team remained focused on enhancing ARK Connect through various improvements and bug fixes. The Mainsail testnet has been operating smoothly, with our team swiftly addressing reported issues from the community and subsequently rolling out a new version. Additionally, preparations are underway for integrating Mainsail into ARK Vault.

Development Summary

Below is a breakdown of total commits and authors by project for development activity over the last week from March 8th through March 15th, 2024.

Project Commits Authors
Mainsail 12 3
ARK Connect 69 5
ARK Scan 0 0
ARK Vault 0 0

Overall, the team has demonstrated consistent productivity and engagement over this period, with a total of 81 commits across all projects.

The number of commits and data for each project will fluctuate every week depending on internal sprints, objectives, and difficulty.

ARK Connect Weekly Progress

Throughout the past week, our team has remained dedicated to addressing reported bugs and implementing enhancements to enhance the user experience. Here’s a detailed overview of the tasks accomplished:

  • We refactored the majority of our components to utilize Tailwind CSS, replacing Styled Components.
  • Resolved an issue where users could become locked out during the onboarding phase.
  • Corrected the redirection after completing wallet import during onboarding.
  • Enabled the persistence of additional fields in profile settings.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting all wallets and restarting the onboarding process could skip the password setup, resulting in users being locked out.
  • Made improvements to the Vitest setup for the testing suite.
  • Implemented logic to persist primary wallet changes using the SDK.
  • Addressed state retention issues when the extension failed to remember the chosen network by the user.
  • Made various fixes to streamline the onboarding flow.
  • Migrated persistence logic to the background for improved efficiency.
  • Fixed scrollable logout page and hid navbar on Ledger pages for a cleaner interface.
  • Improved handling of various Ledger scenarios and enhanced accessibility during Ledger import.
  • Implemented numerous small UI fixes across the application to enhance overall usability.

Looking ahead to next week, our primary focus will be to finalize the Tailwind CSS migration. Additionally, we will focus on further flow improvements for noticed issues through internal testing and work towards a new release of the extension.

Mainsail Weekly Progress

This week, we released a new version of our testnet, addressing issues highlighted by our testers. The updates in this release include:

  • Enforcement of a single username registration per user in the pool.
  • Logging of registered validators on the local node during boot (specifically for validator nodes).
  • Implementation of a new method called sizeOfIndex in the WalletRepository. This method accurately determines the index size on both WalletRepository and WalletRepositoryClone by computing the size variances between the original and clone repositories. It’s particularly useful in the validator resignation transaction, resolving resignation-related issues.

We extend our gratitude to all testers for their awesome efforts in testing and reporting. If anyone is interested in joining the party, they can learn more by checking out introduction blog post.

In addition to these updates, here’s what else we’ve been working on:

  • Mainsail has undergone a complete transformation into ES Modules (ESM). This change facilitates integration with the ARK Vault. As part of this overhaul, a new package called test-runner has been extracted.
  • All packages have been updated to their latest versions. Before the migration to ES Modules (ESM), this task was challenging because some of the latest versions of third-party packages were already in ESM format.
  • The transaction poll processor now returns TX indexes as numbers, replacing the previous string format. This alteration is reflected in the transaction-pool-api response.
  • Numerous fixes have been implemented in mainsail-api entrypoint, API responses, and configuration generator.

Looking ahead, we plan to focus on preparing the browser package for mainsail crypto, as it’s essential for ARK Vault integration. Additionally, we’ll continue monitoring the testnet network and addressing any reported issues that arise.

Feedback & Feature Requests

If you are using our open-source products and would like to provide feedback or request a feature, please feel free to contact us via the contact pages for the specific product you are using or open an issue on GitHub.

Quick access links to GitHub issues pages:

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