9th May 2024
4 min read

ARK Scan Updates - ARK Connect Integration

A new version of the ARK Scan has been released, now including initial ARK Connect integration with several basic features for users. These features allow users to vote for delegates and receive notifications if a delegate isn’t in an active position or has resigned. Below, we’ll explore these changes.

Over the past few weeks, our focus has been on integrating Mainsail, but concurrently, we’ve also dedicated efforts to implementing basic ARK Connect integration to highlight the possibilities it offers for enhancing the ARK Ecosystem’s integration and connectivity. Here, we’ll outline the initial set of features that ARK Connect brings.

ARK Connect integration is now prominently displayed in the navbar at all times. Users can initiate the connection by pressing ‘Connect Wallet’ in the navbar. This action triggers a check to verify if the user has the ARK Connect extension installed. If not, they are prompted to install it. It’s important to note that ARK Connect is compatible with Chrome (Chromium) and Firefox-based browsers. Users attempting to connect on an unsupported browser will receive a notification accordingly.

Furthermore, we’ve implemented checks for network compatibility. If a user attempts to connect with their Devnet address on the Mainnet explorer, an information banner is displayed, advising them to switch, and vice versa for Mainnet to Devnet connections.

Once connected, users can undertake several actions outlined below. Additionally, their connected address is visible in the navbar. By clicking on it, they have the option to copy their address or disconnect from the ARK Scan site.


When connected with ARK Connect, users gain the ability to vote, unvote, or swap votes seamlessly. By navigating to any address and selecting ‘Vote Delegate’ (the option to ‘Unvote’ will be visible if currently voted), users can initiate a voting transaction directly within ARK Scan. Upon selection, ARK Connect’s modal for transaction confirmation, with pre-filled data, will appear. Users simply need to approve and sign the transaction to proceed.

This functionality is also accessible on the general ‘Delegates ’ page, providing users with an overview of the entire delegate landscape.

Send Funds

An additional feature we’ve integrated is the option to ‘Send Funds’, accessible by clicking on the QR code icon next to any address. With ARK Connect, users can now send funds by specifying the amount. Upon selecting the ARK Connect button, the approval screen will open, prompting the user to sign the transaction.


Furthermore, we’ve implemented notifications for users connected with ARK Connect. If the delegate a user is voting for isn’t in an active position, they will be notified accordingly. Additionally, in the event that a delegate resigns, users will receive a notification recommending that they vote for another delegate.

What’s Next?

Moving forward, our priority is to refine ARK Connect integration further, addressing any issues identified through internal testing and community feedback. Additionally, we’ll concentrate on incorporating additional integrations to enhance the user experience.

We encourage users to share their ideas for further ARK Connect integration features they’d like to see in ARK Scan. We’re committed to considering and integrating sensible suggestions that would facilitate seamless interaction across our products and expand possibilities.

How Can I Help?

We invite you to visit the ARK Scan Explorer and thoroughly test all functionalities related to ARK Connect integration, as outlined above.

If you encounter any issues during testing, please report them by opening an issue on GitHub .

We extend our gratitude to everyone who participates in testing and contributes to enhancing ARK Connect’s integration into ARK Scan.

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