Exploring every single feature and use-case for MarketSquare would be a monumental task. However, there are some great features that we can review in just one concise article. The way we use and leverage MarketSquare will open up a variety of possibilities in the blockchain industry. Let’s dive in and find out how!
During our previous article about MarketSquare, we explored ways in which MarketSquare could bring value to the blockchain industry. Also, we reviewed many of the features used in setting up accounts and interacting with projects.
Today, we would like to explore some of these features in-depth, talk about the vision of MarketSquare, and how you can get involved!
Profile Creation and Listing
The roadmap for MarketSquare is filled with a robust set of additions that will be incorporated on the platform in phases. However, MarketSquare will arrive with a variety of features right out of the box that really lends itself to one of the main principles behind MarketSquare — Discoverability.
At the heart of MarketSquare is the ability to create your profile and also a listing for any businesses, plugins or delegates you own. When it comes to creating your profile, we wanted to include features that would allow you to create a unique public page for yourself on the decentralized web.
Here are a few of the basic things you can update on your public profile:
- Your Name and Title
- A Description/Biography Section
- Social Media Links (Including Twitter, LinkedIn, Medium and Facebook)
- A GitHub Link
- A Website Link
In addition to the features above, your profile page will display all the projects in which you are listed. One of the social features that will be displayed on your profile will be reviews and ratings. Reviews and Ratings you have left across MarketSquare will be shown and can be filtered by date or by popularity.
Up until now, we have been talking about your profile on the individual level. One of the major features of MarketSquare is the ability to create listings and claim your properties (businesses, plugins, delegates). We made listing as simple as possible, the whole process takes less than 10 minutes!
MarketSquare’s Vision and First Impressions
Recently a few members of the ARK Team got together and discussed their hands-on impressions regarding MarketSquare. The roundtable was hosted by ARK’s Senior Brand Manager, Justin Renken, and included ARK’s Chief Strategy Officer Matthew Cox, ARK’s Strategic Partnerships Manager Ray Alvarez and ARK’s Community Engagement Manager Elaine Egan.
Too often, communities are tethered to their one favorite project. MarketSquare is a community that is inclusive. It does not matter whether you support Bitcoin, Ethereum, ARK or any other blockchain. ARK’s Chief Strategy Officer, Matthew Cox stated it simply by saying:
The idea behind MarketSquare was to build something that was for companies, projects, developers to build communities together as an industry.
In order to push the adoption of blockchain technology, it is essential that new users are able to come to a place like MarketSquare, be involved, learn about, and discover the multitude of projects and products within the industry. Not only is this a great way to build communities but it is a valuable resource that can provide credible information and a platform that showcases valuable products and businesses within the industry.
How Can I Get Involved?
We are excited to be bringing MarketSquare into open beta during Q4 2020. The only thing that is missing is you!
If you would like to sign up for access to the beta and relevant updates relating to MarketSquare you can sign up here: https://www.marketsquare.io
We have received an abundance of feedback during our last rounds of testing on MarketSquare that have helped shape the platform in new and exciting ways. This is truly a community that we are building together with our users and partners. The entire team is working diligently to make sure that MarketSquare becomes your new homepage for the decentralized web! Stay tuned for further updates on MarketSquare in the near future.