9th Jan 2020
13 min read

How to Develop a Plugin for ARK Desktop Wallet

Theme Plugin Tutorial for ARK Desktop Wallet Plugin Manager

Want to learn how to develop a plugin for the ARK Desktop Wallet? This simple tutorial walks you through everything you need to know to create a beautiful custom theme plugin in around one hour. Enter your completed theme plugin into our competition to be in with a chance of winning up to $500 of ARK prizes and getting your creation added to Desktop Wallet Plugin Manager for the entire ecosystem to use.

Whether you’re entering our “Create a Theme Plugin” competition (check it out below), or just looking to hone your development skills by getting your hands dirty developing a simple plugin, this easy-to-follow tutorial takes you through the process step-by-step.

We’ll show you how to build, customize and submit your very own color theme for approval as a plugin for the ARK Desktop Wallet Plugin Manager. All you’ll need is a little bit of creativity and around one hour to spare. Let’s get started…

How to Develop a Plugin

It’s time to get creative. This guide will consist of 3 key sections that we’ll need complete:

  1. Setting up a GitHub account and forking the theme template.
  2. Customizing parameters and preparing a configuration file.
  3. Publish the finished theme plugin on NPM.

This guide will be written for complete beginners, so those who are familiar with some of the tools and services here will probably have their own way of doing things and using different editors, etc, but for the purpose of making it novice-friendly, we’ll be using most of the services that are provided out of the box.

You will also need to install the Desktop Wallet if you haven’t already.

1. Setting up a GitHub and NPM account, and forking the theme template for the plugin

In the next step you can name the repository (can be some catchy name like ocean-breeze-theme, for this example, we’ll stick with the original name theme-template), leave it as a public repository and press create a repository from the template.

  • This will create a copy of this premade template under your GitHub account where you can modify and play with it (and where you will submit changes for the theme you will customize).

2. Customizing parameters and preparing a configuration file

The next step is to start customizing parameters for our theme. There are 3 files that are of interest:

  • package.json (has all of the necessary information that is needed in order for it to be published on NPM and become discoverable in the Plugin Manager).
  • src/index.js (plugin index file where we define some of the plugin parameters, in our case, we’ll only change the theme name).
  • src/styles/light.css (where all of the color parameters are defined, which are used throughout the wallet).

So let us start with the package.json file, we’ll be editing this file directly on GitHub (for convenience), you can edit this locally (copy/paste) in an editor of choice and paste it back after you are done in the GitHub editor, or use one of the other methods if you are already well versed with using Git (push, pull, ..).


Click on package.json inside the repository (on your GitHub account):

Next click on the edit button on the right:

After this, we are going to go into edit mode where we can modify the ‘package.json’ file directly on GitHub, and after we are done we will commit the changes (save changes). What you will need to update are the following parameters. There is no need to update any other values than those which are marked below (you can leave the others as default).

“name”: “@arkecosystem/desktop-wallet-theme-template”, — name of the package on NPM here we need to replace @arkecosystem with your NPM username (what you chose when registering on NPM) followed by the package name (eg. pink-wallet-template) so in our case, this would become: “name”: “@boldninja/pink-wallet-template”,

“description”: “Desktop Wallet Theme Template”, — a short description of the plugin, in our case this can be just something generic like what color tone you are using eg. “description”: “Pinkish ARK Desktop Wallet theme”,

“author”: “Author Name”, — name of the author of the plugin, this will be displayed inside the wallet as the publisher, so it can be your name, your nickname, username, … eg. “author”: “Boldninja”,If other people are working on a plugin then you can add them under “contributors”, as well as write your name there as well.

“title”: “Theme Template”, — name of the plugin that will be displayed inside the Plugin Manager. Since we are doing a pink theme we’ll just name it Pinky Theme eg. “title”: “Pinky Theme”

“logo”: “https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ark-ecosystem-desktop-plugins/theme-template/master/logo.png", — is the thumbnail that will appear inside Plugin Manager for your theme. If you are going to be doing a custom logo, it should link directly to your custom image where it needs to be named logo.png and be 140x140px in size. If you are not going to be designing your own logo for your plugin then you can delete this logo line (or leave it unchanged, but we recommend deleting it so you can see how it looks without in the file below).

“images”: [ “https://imagelink.com/1.jpg", “https://imagelink.com/2.jpg" ], — you can include previews of the plugin inside the images block. Images need to be in .jpg or .png format, for optimal visual presentation sized at 640x550px. Up to 5 images will be included in the preview. This is an optional feature and if you don’t wish to include a preview just delete the images block.

“bugs”: { “url”: “https://github.com/ark-ecosystem-desktop-plugins/theme template/issues" }, —this is a link where people can report issues with your plugin. This can be just linked to your GitHub repository of theme, eg. in our case “bugs”: { “url”: “https://github.com/boldninja/theme-template/issues" },

“homepage”: “https://github.com/ark-ecosystem-desktop-plugins/theme-template#readme", — the website for your plugin. We are just going to link it to our GitHub repository “homepage”: “https://github.com/boldninja/theme-template",

“url”: “git+https://github.com/ark-ecosystem-desktop-plugins/theme-template.git" — under repository, we have a direct Git link to your plugin (in our case GitHub) so we replace it the same way as the previous option with our homepage by appending .git at the end “url”: “git+https://github.com/boldninja/theme-template.git"

These are the changes we need to do to the package.json file. This is how our file looks after the changes we made (changed parts marked, you can also click on the “Preview changes” tab to see what you changed and if you missed something):

Now we need to commit the changes we have done. To do so, we can simply press click “Commit changes” with the first option selected (Commit directly to the master branch) button below:

Changes will now be reflected and we can move onto editing the next file.


Next in line is index.js under src/index.js, we repeat the same steps as above. Click on the file and then the edit icon to bring it into editor mode. Here we only need to change the plugin name (which we’ll also have to change inside the CSS file) which will show under the settings menu inside our wallet.

We have to change‘plugin-light-mode’ to what we want to be displayed in the Desktop Wallet (note that we need to preserve the first part “plugin-” and only change the part after eg.‘plugin-pinky-mode’ )

P.S. you can also change the light.css filename to something else, but in that case, you will also need to rename the actual filename of .css under src/styles/<newname>.css

Once you have chosen a name, commit the changes.


The last part of the configuration is the most fun part — playing with colors and actually changing what we want.

Now we open light.css under src/styles/light.css (click on the file and the edit icon to bring it into editor mode). At first, this might seem overwhelming, but these are just color codes in hex or rgba format for different elements inside the desktop wallet. This is pretty self-explanatory on its own but don’t worry, in order for us to see what gets changed we’ll be using the Desktop Wallet for this part as well. First, let’s not forget that we need to change the class name that we changed in index.js (which is the first line in this CSS file).

As you can see we edited .theme-plugin-light-mode to what we defined in index.js, so we changed it to reflect those changes. In our case, it becomes .theme-plugin-pinky-mode so the index.js file knows what class to read (if we don’t change it here changes won’t come into effect once we publish the plugin). After this is done, let’s fire up the ARK Desktop Wallet.

Once you start the ARK Desktop Wallet click on the Toggle Developers Tools option under the View menu.

This will open a menu on the right. Now click on the Elements tab. Under elements, click to expand the body and click on the div element. Now under Styles on the right, enter in the search .theme-light (you will need to have the default theme currently enabled in order to see this. If you have dark mode enabled, please switch to default by disabling the dark theme under settings). This will bring up all of the elements of our theme that we can change and see changes right in the wallet (you can click normally on elements in the wallet on the right so you can get all of the colors right and see where they are changing).

Now we can start playing by clicking on the elements on the right (eg. click on the square color of --theme-page property) to bring up the color editor (hex or rgba) and your changes will be reflected instantly once you change color.

You can now change this for all of the elements and see it live on the left eg changing the--theme-feature property, as you can see, changes the background of the wallet.

Now you only need to copy those rgba or hex colors back to the light.css file that we have opened on GitHub (keeping the same property names, you must not rename any of the attributes apart from the hex or rgba values). You can select the whole section inside the wallet and copy over to light.css or just adapt the hex/rgba colors one by one. Once you are done, don’t forget to commit your changes to GitHub and when you are happy with your final product move onto step 3 below.

3. Publish the finished theme plugin on NPM

The last part of this guide is now to publish a plugin on the NPM. To do so we will need NodeJS installed (you can download it from https://nodejs.org/en/ for your OS (“recommended for most users” version). Once installed open command line/terminal.

Windows: press win+R write cmd and press enter.

Linux: pressCtrl-Alt+T to start the terminal.

Mac: open search and write terminaland click on it to start it.

Next, we need to login to the NPM (with our account that we created in the first step) write: npm login

You will be prompted to write your username, password, and email (email is visible to the public).

Now that we are logged in we will make a local copy of the template we did by cloning it (you will need to install Git otherwise it will not recognize git commands). We will run this command, where you will replace the GitHub link with your own template path: git clone https://github.com//.gitSo in my case, the command would be: https://github.com/boldninja/theme-template.git

Alternatively, you could download your repo contents as a zip, instead of git clone.

After you are done we need to move into the folder by writing: cd theme-template

The final part is publishing the plugin to NPM: npm publish --access=public

Now it will take some time to publish it to the NPM and if there are no errors then it should be complete. Your template will be published on NPM and should be visible by going to https://www.npmjs.com/package/@/.

Some additional information. If you are going to be publishing updated versions of your plugin, all you need to do is modify your .css file (new colors, etc…), commit your changes and finally, you will need to open package.json and under version, increase the number eg. from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2 (if you don’t update this in package.json, NPM will offer to bump the version for you). After you have done this, repeat the final part from the NPM publishing (git clone and npm publish commands).

Once you have done this, your updated package will be ready. But remember, if you run into any kind of trouble developing this or get stuck at any step, don’t hesitate to join our Slack and ask for some assistance in the #help channel.

Enter Our Competition

Great work! Your theme plugin is now complete. The final step is to submit your theme plugin into our “Create a Theme Plugin” competition to be in with a chance of winning up to $500 worth of ARK prizes and get your plugin approved for use in the ARK Desktop Wallet.

All you need to do is create your own theme using the tutorial above then submit it into the competition. To do this, follow up with an email to [email protected] (with the subject: Theme Competition). You’ll need to include a link to your GitHub repo and the package name from NPM for your plugin; we’ll then be in touch to verify you as the author. You can enter the competition as many times as you like, but prizes will only be awarded once per person. Full competition details can be found here.

Hurry, the closing date for entries is January 30th, 2020 at midnight UTC.

Winners will be decided by ARK Delegates with an announcement following in February.

Developing Your Own Plugin

But don’t stop there… now that you’ve mastered the art of developing a theme plugin for the ARK Desktop Wallet, why not get going with a different type of plugin? If you have an idea for a game, a helpful tool or even something to improve the ecosystem then get building. With the new and intuitive Plugin Manager, soon your plugin could be discovered and enjoyed by everyone. How cool is that? Don’t forget though, you’ll need to submit your Plugin for review so that we can add it to the whitelist before it appears in ARK Desktop Wallet. To do this, create a pull request in GitHub, or follow up with an email to [email protected].

Take a look at a more comprehensive guide on how to develop more robust plugins here https://blog.ark.io/ark-desktop-wallet-development-guide-developing-your-first-plugin-fc00139906eb .

Plus, check out what others have been building by browsing the Plugin Manager in the ARK Desktop Wallet . Get inspiration and start bringing your idea to life. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!


Get in Touch!

Whether you want to learn more about ARK Ecosystem, want to apply for developer bounty, become our partner or just want to say Hello, get in touch and we will get back to you.

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